August 26, 2019, Hank
“Being brave does not mean that you’re not scared” – Neil Gaiman From June 2015 – Enjoy! For most of my life I have lived a very predictable and careful life. I was always that guy that you could count on to do the right thing. At parties I was the designated driver and usually the
August 19, 2019, Hank
From the archives of 2015, but with a new quote and photo. Enjoy! “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin Sometimes I’ll watch my children from afar and pretend to not be listening to them. I’ll hear my youngest asking her older siblings
July 29, 2019, Hank
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu I remember over four years ago, I sat with several of the most important people in my life to launch this blog. In many ways I was still hurting from my second divorce, definitely not fully confident about what was next for me, but
July 22, 2019, Hank
“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Unknown Life can be so crazy! One moment we’re on top of the world, and then we fall into a pit. One moment we’re sharing how amazing our life is, and then we’re talking about how we lost everything. From one moment to
July 15, 2019, Hank
“This is the part where you find out who you are.” – Unknown How many times have you blown it? A relationship, a work project or missed an important event for your kid? Like you, I hate it, felt bad about it, and wished it never happened, but it did. It’s called life and everyday
The Upside of Down Newsletter
Doing It Afraid
“Being brave does not mean that you’re not scared” – Neil Gaiman From June 2015 – Enjoy! For most of my
You Matter
From the archives of 2015, but with a new quote and photo. Enjoy! “Love takes off masks that we fear
I’m Not Looking Back Anymore
A Post from May 2015. Enjoy! “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.” – Author, Unknown “What a wonderful
Starting a New Chapter
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu I remember over four years ago, I sat with
Living Your Life
“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Unknown Life can be so crazy! One moment
Don’t Worry, Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise Again
“This is the part where you find out who you are.” – Unknown How many times have you blown it?