New Beginnings

Remembering What is Sacred in Your Life?

“Life must have its sacred moments and its holy places. We need the infinite, the limitless, the uttermost – all that can give the heart a deep and strenthening peace. – A. Powell Davies This weekend I was reminded of something I probably take for granted, seldom make time to reflect on or truly recognize the

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Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy?

“Sometimes you have to overcome YOU, before you overcome them. Get out of your own way…” – Unknown When it comes to life disappointments, failures and those lingering issues that tend to keep us up at night, we usually don’t have to look very far. The mirror in front of us typically identifies the culprit fairly

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Start Taking a Stand for Yourself

“What you allow is what will continue.” – Unknown  I’ve spent a great part of my life trying to make other people happy. I suppose it’s in my DNA to help people feel better, despite the current circumstances they may be facing. I even learned through a company training that my personal worldview is that most

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Learning to Live with Courage that Defies All Things

“Courage is the discovery that you may not win. And trying when you know you can lose.” – Unknown  I’ve recently been faced with the task of making some extremely tough decisions regarding my life. Decisions that have required me to dig deep within myself, remain still so I could hear that small still voice of

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It’s Time to Release the Guilt

“Don’t dwell on went wrong. Instead focus on what to do next.”  – Denis Waitley  Yesterday I was in the garage cleaning and came across something that took me back about 10 years. It’s funny how “things” have significance and how they can trigger thoughts and memories. Some memories that remind you of a fun

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Let’s Dig Deeper and Discover Who We Really Are, and What We’re made Of

“Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected to your path, passion and purpose in life. Have the courage to follow them.“ – Ruben Chavez  The answers we want in life, and often need seldom come easy. They tend to require a prerequisite of questions and answers, soul searching and

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Let’s Focus on How Great We Can Be, Versus the Poor Choices We Made in the Past

“The past will be your teacher if you learn from it; your master if you live in it.”  – Dr. Steve Maraboli  Every one has a past. Some are more colorful than others, and some we would simply rather forget and keep trapped in the abyss of our minds. After all it’s the past right?

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Are You a Safe Place for Others?

“We are defined by our actions towards others. Not others’ actions towards us.” – Unknown  Like so many of you, I was stunned by the recent suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Two people who seemed to have everything. Two people who have acquired wealth, national fame, notoriety and success. Two people who were manifested

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