
Living Without Regrets

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.” – Unknown   As much as we want to believe, no matter how smart we proclaim to be, the level of our educational achievements or the “geniuses” we choose to hang out with, we will never be able to predict the future for ourselves. […]

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Never Forget About You!

”Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.” – Unknown    Ever so often we need to take the time to unplug. Get away from what feels and looks like normal and shift into a different gear. A gear, whether higher or lower, (for you) it should feel different and feel better.  I am

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Have You Discovered How to Live Your Best Life?

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever felt like you’re not living to the potential that you know for sure is in you? Do you sometimes feel as if you’re living in a prison within your own life? Or maybe your

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Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy?

“Sometimes you have to overcome YOU, before you overcome them. Get out of your own way…” – Unknown When it comes to life disappointments, failures and those lingering issues that tend to keep us up at night, we usually don’t have to look very far. The mirror in front of us typically identifies the culprit fairly

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It’s Time to Release the Guilt

“Don’t dwell on went wrong. Instead focus on what to do next.”  – Denis Waitley  Yesterday I was in the garage cleaning and came across something that took me back about 10 years. It’s funny how “things” have significance and how they can trigger thoughts and memories. Some memories that remind you of a fun

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Let’s Dig Deeper and Discover Who We Really Are, and What We’re made Of

“Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected to your path, passion and purpose in life. Have the courage to follow them.“ – Ruben Chavez  The answers we want in life, and often need seldom come easy. They tend to require a prerequisite of questions and answers, soul searching and

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Gratitude, The Secret to Our Peace of Mind

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for our today, and creates a vision for our tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie  It’s been said that the simple things in life count the most. A small gesture of appreciation, a random act of kindness or a child-like response during an intense conversation. These are just snapshots of

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What’s Happening in Your Secret Place Will be Tested

“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention” – Unknown For approximately the last 3 years I have gathered myself to write on a weekly basis. Most topics have come from my personal life experiences along with my desire to encourage and build up my readers. Some weeks are harder than others on what I should write or

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The Lessons That Change Our Lives

“Sometimes, you’re reminded of something you’ve heard before, but suddenly, you really ‘get it’. It changes you on the cellular level and begins to inform your thoughts, feelings and actions.” – Deb Purdy There are certain times in our lives when the internal struggles we face  become undeniably real. They permeate the very beat of

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