New Beginnings

Who is Your Family?

“Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song.” – Unknown   As long as I can remember, this time of year has always been a special season for me. Not because of the gifts or things being given to me, but because of the people around me. Not

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Our First True Love

“Love yourself first, so you know what you deserve.” – Unknown  Remember that person who gave you butterflies and rocked your world like no else could? Remember how you felt talking throughout the night, dismissing a good night’s rest simply to hear the alluring voice of your “new love” and exchange meaningful words? Words that seemed

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Living Without Regrets

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.” – Unknown   As much as we want to believe, no matter how smart we proclaim to be, the level of our educational achievements or the “geniuses” we choose to hang out with, we will never be able to predict the future for ourselves.

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It’s Never Too Late to Keep Trying

“Everyday is a second chance.” – Unknown    Lately I’ve been reminded of the quote that states, “Nothing beats a failure like a try.” We teach our children this and even declare it to ourselves when times get tough, but sometimes we honestly want to shove these words down the throats of those telling us this,

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Never Forget About You!

”Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.” – Unknown    Ever so often we need to take the time to unplug. Get away from what feels and looks like normal and shift into a different gear. A gear, whether higher or lower, (for you) it should feel different and feel better.  I am

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Who Are You Becoming?

“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.” – Rumi   What keeps you up at night? Not in the sense of unpaid bills, wayward children or even a poor relationship. I mean, like what has you doubting yourself regularly? Perhaps it is one of those that I mentioned, but

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Finding Your Quiet Place

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson  Although for the past few months I have found myself somewhat consumed with the news of politics and world events, I pride myself on keeping this website free of those types of topics. There are plenty of blogs and people that do a

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